Co-Created Sessions And Services For You.

I’m here to work with you to create customized leadership development solutions that work for your organization.


Whether it be facilitating your team’s retreat, customized leadership development programs, creating a space to have dialogue about strategy, or consulting on your team’s learning and development strategy, I’m experienced in working with new and formed teams and organizations to optimize performance and achieve results. From 1 hour workshops to customized retreat agendas, I can work with you and your team to identify pain points, create a strategy, and design solutions that fit your needs.

Marquee Services

  • Pre-designed workshops

    Using assessments like the MBTI, Gallup CliftonStrengths assessment, Work Place Big 5 or FIRO-B, I can facilitate workshops and sessions that help your team get to know one another better and perform with greater efficiency.

  • Custom Workshops

    I can work with leaders and HR business partners to identify key pain points and outcomes to develop custom workshops and solutions.

  • 360 Evaluations

    Using the Center for Creative Leadership’s assessment tools, I can develop and deliver 360 assessment solutions that include feedback sessions or coaching sessions to support individual and organizational development.

Other Services


Robert’s Rules of Order.

With a decade of student government experience under my belt, I’m well versed on the ins and outs of Robert’s Rules of Order, including the latest 12th edition. Whether it be training a new Board, or sitting in on a meeting to provide feedback, reach out to learn more about how to work with me in my use of Robert’s rules.

Process Consulting.

Given my background and training in the group relations methodology, I can provide consulting to a team’s dynamics by way of speaking to the group’s process. Invite me to join a meeting, and I can sit as a silent observer sharing feedback after the fact, or occasionally provide consultations or observations around the group’s dynamics as it occurs in the meeting.


My education in mixed methods social research and instrument development allows me to work with you and your team to design custom assessments or help provide feedback on existing data collection tools and reporting.

Learn more about Assessment here.

Sample Workshops

  • Using the Dream Believe Achieve™ model, train leaders on how to use the voice of a coach with their colleagues.

  • Using the MAP model towards EDI, facilitate a discussion using a group coaching approach to explore what taking steps towards EDI looks like at your organization.

  • In an interactive workshop, explore why communication often falls short, practice communication skills, and set goals around how to communicate better.

Get a sense of some of the workshops I facilitate that can be delivered in single modules or as a part of a larger designed leadership development solution. Interested? Press Book to start a conversation